Saturday, June 15, 2013


The Company Sign 
Many times we have heard it said, or read it in the posts of the Facebook page that F Company had something special about it.  Well, I suppose that it is true.  I was in the Army for a long time, in some really great units, but not one of them was like F Company.

Being the only Airborne Infantry Company in Seventh Corps, being a Company of Grunts living with a post full of Military Intel LEGS, a Brigade Commander that had no earthly idea how to employ a LRSC, and a Battalion Commander that could have cared less, this may have added to formula that made F Company great.  If that is so, then the Army pulling troops from the best units (And some that were not so hot as well), the mixture was there and it worked.  F Company 51st Infantry was to everyone that was assigned to it, a defining moment in each of our lives.  No one that was ever assigned to F Company can say that it had no impact on their life.

Any of us that has attended any of the reunions, or that follow the board on Facebook can attest to the fact that F Company vets have some of the best Non-combat "War Stories" that have never yet been written.  It would be a shame if these stories died.  Amoebic Dysentery in Saudi, "Cheap Hard and Heavy" nights at "The Rock Fab", getting banned from "All Alcohol Serving Establishments" in the Stuttgart area, MP's that refused to come to our barracks unless in Squad Size element.  Just remembering some of these will make you smile.

Team 1-4
Where possible I will try to illustrate the postings, and I leave it up to you, fellow trooper if you opt to share these with your friends and family.  I have no intention of advertising this Blog, nor the things in it.

Oh, one last thing, every story no matter how well known or how well told, has as many versions as it is being told.  Feel free to make corrections, feel free to add to this.  This is not Roger's rant, nor will it ever become anyone's Slap-Down page.  This is for fun, after all, did we not refer to the Company as "Fun Five-One"?

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